[Seyed's picture]

Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri

Data Science Research Associate
Informatics Forum, The University of Edinburgh
Scotland, UK

My name is Seyed. I'm a Research Associate on Large Scale Nested Data processing, working with Dr Milos Nikolic at the Informatics Forum of The University of Edinburgh. I've got my PhD in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University, working at the Semantic Web Lab under the supervision of Dr Alasdair Gray and Dr Fiona McNeill. My research currently focuses on Semantic Web, Knowledge Graphs (KGs), and Big Data.

I did my master's degree in Algorithms and Computing at the Sharif University of Technology. The thesis was on Verifiable Secret Sharing. I've been a researcher/developer for more than 4 years, experiencing a wide range of programming platforms and languages (see my CV). Your comments and contributions would be welcome.

BTW, I'm from Ravar, Kerman, Iran. In my free time, I enjoy reading history and playing volleyball.


15 May 2024
26 Jan 2024
I had a quick talk on Hierarchical Subsetting + Query Partitioning for better inferring over KGs at the 8th meet-up of the Turing IG on KGs.
30 Nov 2023
Jose, Andra, Eric, and I had a talk on Entity Schemas at Wikidata Data Modelling Days. Here are the slides.
2 Sep 2023
28 Apr 2023
I passed my PhD viva with minor corrections. My internal examiner was Dr Yannis Konstas, and my external examiner was Dr Anisa Rula.
1 Mar 2023
I'm starting my postdoc at the University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum, working with Dr Milos Nikolic. The subject is large-scale nested-data processing. Read more on my blog post.
11 Nov 2022
My third participation in the Elixir Europian Biohackathon finished with great achievements and fruitful discussions about subsetting in Project 11: Enhancement and Reusage of Biomedical Knowledge Graph Subsets. BioHackrXiv report comming soon!
24 Oct 2022
I presented two previously published papers of mine at the 3rd Wikidata Workshop co-located with ISWC 2022.
10 Jul 2022
Kat and I had a talk on Entity Schemas and Quality at Wikidata Data Quality Days. Here are my slides. Here is the recordings of our talk, and please take a look into other sessions as well!
20 May 2022
Two updates: First, I am now a member of editorial board of the Semantic Web Journal Special Issue on Wikidata: Construction, Evaluation and Applications. Second, our subsetting proposal to the Biohackathon 2022 has been accepted.
26 Apr 2022
I presented my work at the PhD Symposium of the Web Conference. Here are the slides and my summary of the conference. I'll update this once I got access to the recordings if the chairs allow them publicly available.
16 Mar 2022
Jose Labra, Andra, Sabah and I presented the last achievements and challenges on Wikidata Subsetting at Wikidata Reuse Days. Here is the link to the announcement and the recordings.
2 Mar 2022
My submitted paper to the Ph.D. symposium at The Web Conference (former WWW) has been accepted. My third acceptance in less than one year! I'm going to be there for the first time.
10 Jan 2022
I was one of the coordinators and speakers of the Creating, maintaining, and updating Shape Expressions as EntitySchemas in the Wikimedia ecosystem Tutorial at SWAT4HCLS 2022. I presented the application of ShEx in quality assessment and subsetting. Here are my slides and the GitHub repo of the tutorial.
12 Nov 2021
I had the chance to participate in the Biohackathon 21, again in Project 21: Handling Knowledge graphs subsets. Read a report in this post
28 Oct 2021
In not much more than 4 months after ESWC, I participated in ISWC 2021 , presenting my paper at the Wikidata Workshop and attending the main conference. Read my summary in this post.
24 Sep 2021
Just been notified that our paper "Reference Statistics in Wikidata Topical Subsets" has been accepted to the Wikidata Workshop 2021 (with ISWC 2021). Thanks to my supervisors and the reviewers. More than excited to be in ISWC for the first time.
16 Sep 2021
I participated in Wikidata quality days. Read a short report in this post.
10 Jun 2021
ESWC 2021 just finished. It was an extraordinary experience for me as a speaker, attendance, and volunteer. Read my full report in this post.
6 Jun 2021
I presented our paper at the KGCW 2021 as the first speaker on the very first day :) Here are the slides. Ready to get the most out of the ESWC 2021 in the following days.
23 Apr 2021
Our paper "Experiences of Using WDumper to Create Topical Subsets from Wikidata" is accepted in the 2nd International Workshop On Knowledge Graph Construction Co-located with the ESWC 2021.
13 Jan 2021
Once again, working with the fantastic folks of Biohack 2020, this time at the SWAT4LS 2021 hackathon. Looks like the subsetting project is reaching a well-structured level.
25 Nov 2020
Joined ShEx Community Group.
19 Nov 2020
I took part in the Biohackathon 2021 project 35 (Knowledge Graphs and Wikidata Subsetting). Was a great chance to work with the leading researchers in Linked Data.
8 Jul 2020
Our paper "Broadcast Complexity and Adaptive Adversaries in Verifiable Secret Sharing" is accepted in the Security and Communication Networks journal. It includes my M.Sc.'s contribution to the field.
10 Feb 2020
I joined the Semantic Web Lab at MACS, Heriot-Watt University. The path of a Ph.D. is started!
10 Apr 2019
I've been awarded the James Watt Scholarship for my Ph.D. at Heriot-Watt University. It's great news! I'll join the Semantic Web Lab (SWeL) by October.
15 Sep 2015
Today I defended my master thesis on "Broadcast Complexity of Verifiable Secret Sharing". Thanks to Dr Izadi, Prof. Ghodsi, and Dr Khazaei. So I finished my M.Sc. with a GPA of 17.75/20.
5 Sep 2013
In the M.Sc. entrance exam, I was admitted to algorithms and computing at Sharif University.
30 Sep 2012
I was invited to teach ‌the Basics of Computer course at Ravar Carpet School affiliated with the Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. The course is supposed to cover graphics.
23 Sep 2012
Finished my B.Sc. in Software Engineering from Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 7 semesters, achieving the top GPA (17.07/20).


Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri, Alasdair Gray, Fiona McNeill.
Semantic Web Journal (2024) | journal-article
Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Andra Waagmeester, Ammar Ammar, Carolinae Gonzalez, Denised Slenter, Sabahe Ul-Hasan, Egond Willighagen, Fiona McNeill, Alasdair Gray.
Semantic Web Journal (2023) | journal-article
Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri
The ACM Web Conference PhD Symposium | conference-paper
Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri, Alasdair Gray, Fiona McNeill.
The 2nd Wikidata Workshop: Co-located with ISWC 2021 (2021) | conference-paper
Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri, Alasdair Gray, Fiona McNeill.
Second International Workshop On Knowledge Graph Construction: Co-located with the ESWC 2021 (2021) | conference-paper
Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Ammar Ammar, Dan Brickley,... , Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri, et al.
Biohackrxiv (2021) | preprint
Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri, Mohammad Izadi, Mohsen Rezvani.
Security and Communication Networks (2020) | journal-article